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European Data Regulation Requirements for Data Spaces
Mayuko Kaneko, Tobias Guggenberger, Boris Otto

Data Spaces are gaining more and more traction since the European Commission launched a single European market for data based on them. While the positive impact of these federated data sharing platforms is widely recognized, technical and legal requirements are constantly evolving. New regulations are present, especially with implementing the Data Governance Act and the Data Act. In this article, we focus on the legal perspective and especially on how Data Spaces can achieve compliance by design. Thus, we analyzed the regulations to acquire an initial understanding of the requirements. We interviewed respected experts in the data sharing field to fine-tune these requirements. Subsequently, we mapped the requirements to Data Space capabilities. As a result of the mapping, we identified the congruence, gaps, and conflicts. Our analysis contributes to understanding the legal implications and the capability development of Data Spaces.

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