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More Than Just Efficiency: Impact of Generative AI on Developer Productivity
Mahei Manhai Li, Ernestine Dickhaut, Olivia Bruhin, Hendrik Wache, Pauline Weritz
The collaboration between genAI and humans in the field of information systems holds transformative potential echoing the co-creation ethos in digital ecosystems. GenAI's automated code generation capabilities present an opportunity for seamless cooperation with human developers. As genAI evolves, it can contribute to the generation of code with minimal human input, enabling developers to focus on higher-level conceptualization and problem-solving. The individual work changes by GenAI also have wider-reaching effects, which requires a holistic understanding of its impact. Our interview study with 15 software developers presents a shift towards a more balanced viewpoint on measuring the effects of genAI in software development environments, specifically the importance of human-centric indicators (e.g. satisfaction and wellbeing) in addition to traditional efficiency and effectiveness indicators. This insight underscores the balancing act between enhancing productivity and potentially undermining it, reflecting the interplay of co-creation and co-destruction in service ecosystems and calling for a more holistic socio-technical perspective.

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