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Personalized Advertising: Effects of Individual/Social relevance on the attitude of users about advertisement, social media Platform, and Internet Use
Fardad Faress, Qinyu Liao, Mina Esfanjani
Through tailored advertising and higher conversion rates, artificial intelligence technology domains like machine learning have currently contributed to better consumer consumption. Clients gain from the creation of customized advertising content based on their social media (SNS) activity. Nonetheless, worries regarding well-being and privacy being jeopardized continue. Based on the psychological ownership theory and the information border theory (Ampadu et al., 2022), this study investigates how tailored advertisements impact consumers' perceptions of ads, social media, and online behavior. The impact of ad individual relevance and social relevance as independent variables on attitudes toward advertisements, attitudes toward social media, and attitudes toward using the internet will be investigated as dependent variables in this study. Information co-ownership and Feelings of vulnerability will act as the mediators. Feelings of vulnerability describe the degree to which consumers feel uncomfortable and susceptible to harm from unwanted uses of their personal data (Guo et al., 2022). The theoretical contribution provides an integrated framework to better understand the indirect effects of ad relevance on consumer attitudes through these mediating variables. It will also look at the moderating impact of privacy cynicism on the model (Ooijen et al., 2022). For this study, two data collection techniques will be used: text mining and surveys. This is the first analysis of the effects of tailored adverts on internet use, social media platforms, and individuals at all three levels. References Ampadu, S., Jiang, Y. (2022). " Online personalized recommended product quality and e-impulse buying" Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 64, 102789. Guo, Y., Wang, X., Wang, C., 2022. Impact of privacy policy content on perceived effectiveness of privacy policy: the role of vulnerability, benevolence, and privacy concern. J. Enterprise Inf. Manag. 35 (3), 774–795. https://doi.org/10.1108/JEIM- 12-2020-0481 Ooijen, I.V., Segijn, C.M., Opree, S.J., 2022. Privacy cynicism and its role in privacy decision-making. Commun. Res. https://doi.org/10.1177/00936502211060984 ahead-of-print

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