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A Paradigmatic and Methodological Examination of Information Systems Research from 2013-2022
DeAnn Almond, Rudy Hirschheim
The field of Information Systems (IS) has witnessed substantial evolution since its origins in the mid-1960s. With scholarly influence (SI) continuing to play a critical role, particularly in research productivity and academic advancement metrics, this study focuses on the significant role of journal rankings. These rankings, especially as epitomized by the AIS College of Senior Scholars’ basket of journals (SSB), serve as a primary metric for evaluating research output and significantly shape research behaviors and perceptions within the IS community (Cuellar, Truex, & Takeda, 2016; Chipidza & Tripp, 2021). This paper revisits the research trajectory of IS by analyzing over 3,500 articles from SSB journals spanning 2013-2022, investigating paradigmatic and methodological shifts. Key questions include: What changes in journal publication trends are observable? How has the field progressed towards embracing methodological pluralism? This analysis will extend earlier foundational studies by Orlikowski & Baroudi (1991) and Chen & Hirschheim (2004), applying both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to assess the current state of IS research. By providing a detailed empirical overview of the publications in top-ranked IS journals, this study aims to offer insights into how the IS discipline continues to evolve, both in thought and practice. The expected outcomes include identifying prevailing research trends, shifts in methodological preferences, and the overall progress towards pluralism in IS research. These findings will not only extend the existing academic discourse but also guide future research directions and strategies within the IS community.

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