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A Curriculum Development Framework for Business Analytics Programs: From Vision to Continuous Evaluation and Adaptation
Tai-Yin Chi, Nasser Shahrasbi, Lutfus Sayeed
Recent pedagogical studies highlight the need for dynamic adaptation in business analytics (BA) curricula to meet evolving business demands (Anand & Mitchell, 2022; Lu, 2020; Paul & MacDonald, 2020). Deriving from the literature on the BA curriculum, this TREO paper proposes a curriculum development framework that enables educational institutions to adapt their BA programs to their unique strengths, mission, and student population's needs while ensuring a robust, relevant, and comprehensive educational experience in business analytics. The proposed framework incorporates the common themes and recommendations identified from recent BA curriculum literature. As shown in Figure 1, we structure the framework into several vital components: Program Vision and Objectives, Interdisciplinary Foundation, Analytical Techniques and Tools, Technical Skills Development, Soft Skills and Ethical Considerations, Business Domain Knowledge, Practical Experiential Learning, Faculty Development and Resources, and Continuous Curriculum Evaluation and Adaptation. Each component is integral to creating a flexible yet thorough curriculum that adapts to current industry needs and anticipates future trends. We proposed to validate the framework through a detailed analysis of existing BA programs in the US, focusing initially on curriculum design aspects such as breadth, depth, and customization. Subsequent analysis will assess the integration of real-world applications through capstone projects, practicums, and internships.

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