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Measuring compliance with Covid-19 non-pharmaceutical interventions by data fusion from Google
Fatemeh Navazi, Yufei Yuan, Norm Archer

The challenge that previous studies faced while measuring the effectiveness of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs) or optimizing NPIs was not being able to consider how much people actually adhere to these control policies in society. Without having any information about the population's compliance with implemented NPIs, the models and methodologies might overestimate the effectiveness of NPIs. Also, it is not feasible to ask the population about their compliance level with NPIs on a weekly basis, considering the pandemic’s duration and the self-reporting bias of these types of surveys. So, in this research, we proposed a methodology to estimate population compliance by measuring the correlation between mobility changes and social distancing NPI implementation levels. We used data fusion of Google community mobility reports and OXFORD University NPI implementation levels to do so.

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