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Impact of data privacy and security breaches on the usage of generative AI-bots
Anu Rao, Kunal Rao
The alarming rise in data breaches stemming from cyberattacks has increased fear among public transport commuters using the latest anthropomorphic generative AI-bots for daily traveling. This advancement has provided the attack surfaces for the attackers, resulting in data privacy and security issues. Current studies have examined the factors that lead to privacy and security risks. Still, very few studies focus on the impact of using generative AI-bots among daily public transport users. Thus, to bridge this scholarly gap, our research in progress proposes a model that investigates the factors that impact the intention of continuing the generative AI-bots in a data breach environment. Drawing on the theory of planned behavior, we will test the relationship among different data breach constructs with trust as a mediator in our model. We are conducting a survey and will then detail the findings.

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