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Finding Algorithmic Fairness: An Analysis of how Literature Considers Algorithmic Fairness from Different Stakeholder Perspectives
Stefanie Knippschild, Sebastian Boell, Kai Riemer, Sandra Peter
Algorithms are increasingly used by organizations to make decisions or recommendations about their operations, including operations such as credit lending or recruitment. In this context, algorithmic fairness emerges as an important consideration. Given the sociotechnical nature of Information Systems, algorithmic fairness by necessity involves different stakeholders. We set out to investigate how existing research has considered algorithmic fairness from different stakeholder perspectives in organizational contexts. To this end, our literature review outlines what roles stakeholders play in the consideration of algorithmic fairness, as published to date. We identified five stakeholder groups covered in the literature. Our results show that depending on the stakeholder perspective that is taken, different aspects of AF are emphasized in AF considerations. These findings are important, especially if we want to understand AF within a sociotechnical system. Moreover, the findings help with understanding which AF aspects should be considered depending on the stakeholder, when AF is analyzed.

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