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Digital Nudges in Healthcare Contexts: An Information Systems Perspective
Sophia Mannina, Shamel Addas, Purang Abolmaesumi, Parvin Mousavi, Nooshin Maghsoodi, Sarah Nassar, David Maslove

Digital transformation has presented healthcare providers with new tools, roles, and challenges related to patient care. Although digital technologies like electronic health records can offer valuable information concerning patients' needs, the growing volume of data that healthcare providers receive through these tools can contribute to information overload and alert fatigue. Nudging is a behavioural economics technique that can be applied to guide healthcare providers toward optimal care decisions while limiting information overload. To better understand the application of this technique, we perform a systematic literature review that explores digital nudges oriented toward healthcare providers from an information systems perspective. This review identifies positive and negative outcomes of digital nudges and presents design principles that can guide development of nudges directed toward healthcare providers. Opportunities are discussed to further assess digital nudges through the information systems lens.

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