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ITID influencing IS Adoption
Sam Senanayake, Petros Chamakiotis
Motivated by a need to comprehend how Information Systems (IS) switching interacts with Information Technology Identity (ITID) to influence IS infusion behavior, this study explores issues that may affect the success of IS implementations when information workers are required to switch from an incumbent IS to a new IS and incur IS switching costs. ITID describes the extent to which an IT is viewed as integral to a person’s self-concept and provides an interesting theoretical lens with which to study this interplay between IS usage and identity. We present our analysis and findings from Phase 1 of a two-phase study, set within the software industry, comprising an exploratory survey of IS community practitioners. Finally, we discuss our contributions to theory and seek input for Phase 2 which will adopt a case study approach to enable a deeper understanding of ITID at various stages of a new IS implementation.

AuthorConnect Sessions

Conference Date/Time (America/Denver) Meeting Link Notes/Instructions # Attendees
August 23 7:00 AM
https://meet.google.com/ymc-jrzc-sgr AMCIS Author Session Friday, August 23 · 8:00 – 9:00am Time zone: America/Chicago Google Meet joining info Video call link: https://meet.google.com/ymc-jrzc-sgr Or dial: ‪(US) +1 314-764-7456‬ PIN: ‪295 814 375‬# 0