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Guided Exploration of AI Tools for Student Academic Research and Writing
Kimberley Nault, Maria Nieto-Taborda, Umar Ruhi

Offering productivity benefits for its users, Generative AI is increasingly integrated into work and academic spheres alike. Despite potential benefits, concerns of overreliance and negative impacts on critical skills remain. Through pre- and post-questionnaires and course activities, this study explores graduate student experiences to foster critical thinking while using AI tools for academic literature reviews. Initial results indicate that perceptions evolved after the introduction of AI tools, where students appreciated their utility, however recognized the need for supplementary rather than substitutive use. The study underscores the importance of balanced and responsible integration of AI tools into academic environments and recommends a phased approach to their introduction to raise awareness and mitigate integrity risks. Future research includes the exploration of student profiles regarding AI tool use and identifying tendencies towards overreliance or potential impacts due to digital divides.

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