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Game On: Theorizing the Impacts of Gamification on Organizational Cybersecurity Training Efficacy
Biju Varghese, Rajendran Murthy, Sean Hansen
Cybersecurity threats are a growing concern for firms across the industrial spectrum, with organizational members consistently cited as the weakest link in the chain of defense. Gamification has emerged as an innovative approach to cybersecurity training that promises to enhance the awareness and protective behaviors of organizational members through the incorporation of game mechanics into the instructional process. In this research, we conduct an interpretive case study of a gamified organizational cybersecurity training initiative to discern the ways in which gamification can enhance the cybersecurity knowledge and protection behavior of employees. Combining inductive analysis of the gamified training experience with the concepts of protection motivation theory, we theorize the mechanisms by which gamification can enhance organizational cybersecurity training outcomes. Our extended theoretical model presents significant implications for research and practice on the efficacy of cybersecurity training initiatives.

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