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Exploring Usability Challenges at the Intersection of Digital Health Interventions and Health IT: Review of Reviews
Asli Kalayci, Bengisu Tulu
Abstract In this paper, we explored literature studies to identify usability challenges within the realm of health technologies, including Digital Health Intervention (DHI) and Health Information Technology (HIT). Employing thematic analysis, we systematically synthesized usability challenges across three perspectives: technology, patient, and provider. A total of 15 review studies were included in our analysis, focusing on usability challenges and their impacts on clinical practice. During the analysis, it was important to ask how these technologies could be integrated to meet the expectations of these three perspectives. The findings underscored the multistakeholder nature of the health technology practices. Our conclusion led to the need for a tradeoff among these perspectives, emphasizing the potential conflicts in the context of user expectations. Keywords Health Information Technology, Usability Challenges, Digital Health Intervention.

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