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Human vs ChatGPT analysis for decision-making processes
Zenaldo de Almeida Rodrigues, Paulo Henrique Lima Silva, Carla Marcolin, Luiz Pinheiro
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become pivotal in various domains, enabling tasks that mimic human intelligence. This study focuses on comparing ChatGPT with a human analysis considering automation dynamics in supermarkets. By examining similarities and differences between human and AI interpretations of the same data, the research sheds light on the impact for decision-making processes. The human prioritizes the customer experience, emphasizing individual preferences, while AI focuses on general trends, emphasizing technology resistance and operational challenges. Recognizing the coexistence of these perspectives highlights the need for a balanced analysis, considering both subjective experiences and objective data trends. As a research-in-progress, the next steps are centered in collecting expert opinions about how the different perspectives could lead to different decisions.

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