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Digital Sustainability: An Integrative Review and Research Impact Framework
Leora Owsiany, Kathryn Brohman
Digitalization has been hailed as a promising force for sustainability across environmental, social, and economic dimensions. Several impact-driven IS research streams have formed to address sustainability outcomes, namely: Green IT/IS, ICT4D, e-government, and the Dark Side of IS. Despite the growth in these streams, we posit that the unidimensional approach of the literature has limited the IS discipline's impact in addressing grand global challenges such as climate change and poverty. In this paper, we conduct an integrative review of the literature at the nexus of technology and sustainability outcomes in relation to technology’s (1) magnitude of impact (direct, enabling, systemic) and (2) associated sustainability outcomes (environmental, social, economic). Building upon the recent conceptualization of digital sustainability in the IS literature, we advocate for a multidimensional and multidirectional research approach. We propose a research impact framework and outline directions for future research in the digital sustainability domain.

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