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From Techno-Stress to NoTech-Stress: A Conceptualization and Research Framework
Qiang (John) Tu, Qihui Xia, Sean Hansen
Technostress refers to the stress triggered by an inability of the person to cope with the demand of using ICTs. Since ICTs are becoming more indispensable to people’s lives and work routines, we observe a gradual change in people’s view of ICTs as being integral to their sense of self, with many users transitioning from “low IT identity” to “high IT identify”. As a result, ICTs have shifted from being demands on the user to being resources that enable users to fulfill their needs in jobs and daily life. To some users, the unavailability of ICTs now engenders perceptions of misfit/imbalance between personal needs and resources, resulting in a new source of stress. In this study, we articulate a novel concept of NoTech-Stress—defined as the stress arising from the unavailability of ICT use—and propose a research framework. It is a valuable extension to the original techno-stress conceptualization.

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