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Factors Influencing AI Adoption in S&P 1500 firms: Preliminary Evidence
Naveen Gudigantala, Tyler Tran, Naga Vemprala
This work investigates the factors influencing AI adoption in S&P 1500 firms, using the Resource-Advantage (R-A) theory. The authors hypothesize that firms with higher innovation capability, social responsibility, financial resources, employee engagement and development, and customer orientation are more likely to adopt AI. We used data from the Drucker Institute's company rankings on predictors and web searches on AI adoption. The use of logistic regression based on a final dataset of 902 companies supported all our hypotheses. The results suggest that firms with advantages in these resources and capabilities tend to adopt AI at a higher rate, aiming to create valuable market offerings for specific customer segments and achieve superior financial performance. We contribute to theory by identifying key organizational competencies that influence AI adoption. The implications for managers suggest the need to align organizational capabilities with AI strategy to achieve competitive advantages in the marketplace.

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