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Stumbling Blocks in Network Digital Transformation - Dutch Floriculture Supply Chain Case
Dissa Chandra, Jos van Hillegersberg
Often, failure to achieve success in network digital transformation is not the direct result of technological error but is largely caused by organizational problems. This study aims to identify and confirm the problems that lead to failure in the evolution of network digital transformation. We use network governance dynamics to explore a failed case of network digital transformation in the Dutch Floriculture Supply Chain and thus contribute to eliminating the survivor bias. The network digital transformation idea – named the HubWays' platform – emerged in 2008, and the legal governance entity was eventually dissolved in 2019. This study confirms that governance evolves together with the digital platform implementation steps. Our longitudinal analysis shows that the problems in the network governance design – i.e., the lack of resources, the politics, the complex structure, the issues in change management, the conflict management, and the involvement of the IT provider on the Board – all contributed to the collaboration failure.

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