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Digital culture: the role of social media
yuewei Jiang, Shi Zhanbin, Ge Xiaodan, Yingyi Xu, Dai Yuan
What is the contribution of social media to digital culture? This study envisions to evaluate the impact of social media on the alteration of professional relationships in a Chinese company. Social media are consider to redefine professional relationships through three processes: (1) blurred boundaries, (2) strong ties between colleagues, and (3) magnets that induce customers to interact directly with businesses. The contribution of this study lays in the reinforcement of the theory on relationships in a professional context. Another contribution is use of a Heideggerian lens to interpret digital transformations taking place through social media. Finally, the results also hint strongly at practical implications in that companies could benefit likewise by applying social media to improve their businesses, taking advantage both from improved internal relationships among employees and external relationships with clients.

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