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Compost Buddy: Educating Citizens on Composting Through A Chatbot
Cyrille Inarda, Elijah Kandah, Misa Sajan, Subha Khan, Colin Crowe, Timothy Hill, Yu Chen

With the recent growth of AI capabilities, the potential for positive societal impact continues to expand. Along these lines, we explore a novel application of chatbot technology to encourage adoption of compositing by citizens who are motivated to contribute to greater sustainability though composting but who feel hindered by not knowing how to start. Scouring the internet for reliable sources, assessing and filtering the content, and assimilating the results into locally actionable knowledge can feel daunting. To reduce this educational burden, we created Compost Buddy, a chatbot prototype synthesizing a “friend” who is knowledgeable on the topic, “someone” users can interact with conversationally, on demand, for the information they feel they need, when they need it, to get started and maintain their composting practice. We discuss lessons learned from prototyping and preliminary testing feedback and relate resulting projections for future development of chatbots as sustainability education aids and change agents.

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