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How Digital Readiness Relates to the Intention to Use Generative AI in Workplace Service Systems
Pauline Weritz, Hendrik Wache, Sarah Honigsberg
While generative artificial intelligence offers powerful opportunities for organizations, adopting such disruptive technology requires new theoretical knowledge and implications to bring the employees on board. With this new technology that strongly impacts knowledge workers because of the ability to create content without having a clear outcome, generative artificial intelligence differentiates from other technology use and requires special attention. The proposed model draws on the digital readiness framework and self-determination theory to empirically investigate the role of expected autonomy, competence, and relatedness on the intention to use generative artificial intelligence in the workplace service system. To test the three hypotheses, we employed a quantitative survey of knowledge workers in the United States. We use the service system lens to interpret our study setting and generate a service-centric research agenda. The practical contributions of this paper can inform organizations about promoting digital readiness and self-determination among employees.

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